Thursday, April 1, 2010

Summary Chapter 6

CHAPTER 6!!! OMG 3 more D:

As the prisoners march, people who are too slow, the SS officers guards fire on them. After they have gone almost 40 miles, they are finally allowed to rest. They are told to stay at this shed where there was not much woarmth. Elie soon falls asleep until his father wakes him up; and forced to leave the shed. As soon as they get outside, they see no one and go back in. Inside all they see are frozen corpse and others trying to get sleep to go and walk again. Then Rabbi walks in looking for his son. But he finds out that he had seen him running away from his father. He was good to see that even though he didn't know what was going on and where he was, he didn't give him up on finding him.

Then the march begins again. Then the snow falls and many start to fall dead. Finally, they get to Gleiwitz where they were told to sleep in s asmall barrack. They had to sleep on top of each other. Elie thought that he was going to die because of the man on top of him. Then he heard his friend, Juliek's violin. When he wakes up he finds Juliek dead and his violin crushed.

-Precious Opal

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe they could endure this long march after all the labor they went through.

    Thanks for summarizing this passage! It was very insightful! (:
