Thursday, March 25, 2010

Word Watcher Chapter 4

Hey, guys! There wasn't much vocabulary words in this chapter but, here you go! (:

1. altruistic (page 48): adjective. unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others

2. veritable (page 48): adjective, being truly or very much so

In fact, this affection was not entirely altruistic; there existed here a veritable traffic of children among homosexuals, I learned later.

3. wizened (page 51): adjective. withered; shriveled

A young man with a startlingly wizened face.

4. imprudent (page 54): adjective. not prudent; lacking discretion; incautious; rash.

It was imprudent of me to say those few words to you, but I knew that you would not betray me...

5. untenable (page 56): adjective. incapable of being defended, as an argument, thesis, etc.; indefensible.

It was untenable.

6. copulate (page 57): verb. to engage in sexual intercourse.

He moved one hundred prisoners so that he could copulate with this girl!

7. solitary (page 64): adjective. alone; without companions; unattended

But his young pipel remained behind, in solitary confinement.

-Michelle! (:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks for the definitions! I had the same words that you picked.

  3. That sentence really through me off. "In fact, this affection was not entirely altruistic; there existed here a veritable traffic of children among homosexuals, I learned later." i had NO IDEA what it was saying! I'm glad you helped and defined the two words I didn't know!
