Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Word Watcher Chapter 6

1. faltering (page 85) verb. to hesitate or waver in action, purpose, intent, etc.

But he marched without faltering.

2. parch (page 87) verb. to make extremely, excessively, or completely dry, as heat, sun, and wind do.

3. famished (page 87) adjective. extremely hungry

Chilled to the bone, our throats parched, famished, out of breath, we pressed on.

4. jostled (page 88) verb. to bump, push, shove, brush against, or elbow roughly or rudely

Hundreds of prisoners jostled one another at the door.

5. reeling (page 89)
noun. a cylinder, frame, or other device that turns on an axis and is used to wind up or pay out something.
verb. to wind on a reel, as thread, yarn, etc.

My head was reeling.

6. ordeals (page 90) noun. any extremely severe or trying test, experience, or trial.

Despite the ordeals and deprivations, his face continued to radiate his innocence.

7. trod (page 93) verb. a pt. and pp. of tread

People trod over numbed bodies, trampled wounded faced.

8. charred (page 95) verb. to burn or reduce to charcoal

His charred past, his extinguished future.

9. poignant (page 95) adjective. keenly distressing to the feelings

Next to him lay his violin, trampled, an eerily poignant little corpse.

10. shawls (page 96) noun. a square, triangular, or oblong piece of wool or other material worn, esp. by women, about the shoulders, or the head and shoulders, in place of a coat or hat outdoors, and indoors as protection against chill or dampness.

We threw blankets over our shoulders, like prayer shawls.

11. feebly (page 93) adjective. physically weak, as from age or sickness

"Yes..." he said feebly.

-Michelle (: